Inlägg märkta ‘solidarity’

SEKO Klubb 119 skickade för ett tag sedan ett solidaritets uttalande angående två fackliga förtroendevalda som sparkades från sitt arbete i Grekland.

Det har kommit nu en glad nyhet att en av de två tjejer som sparkades företaget blev tvungen att ta henne tillbaka till jobbet. Kampen fortsätter för att den andra tjejen ska komma tillbaka.

Dear comrades,

We received PAME´s urgent call for solidarity to the struggle of the employees of Wind.

SEKO Klubb 119, union, which organize all drivers in Stockholm’s underground (Metro) and drivers and conductors to tram and local trains in Stockholm expresses union’s solidarity to PAME, the trade union of Telecommunication and informatics, the union PASETIM and our comrades Katerina Tzima and Olga Koliousi who dismissed from their work.

SEKO Klubb 119 support the struggle of the trade unions for:

–         The immediate withdrawal of the dismissals

–         Permanent and stable work for all, 7hours/day, 5 days/week, 35 hours/week

–         No to the criminalization of the trade union struggles.

SEKO Klubb 119 has own experience when at October 2005 the multinational company; Connex (now calls VEOLIA) dismissed our union’s chairman because we struggled for better conditions in security and safety measures in our workplace.

Our union’s board and our members support your justify struggle against capital’s attacks.

Many comrade greetings

SEKO Klubb 119´s board

Giannis Konstantis


Stockholm, Sweden

Solidarity to the union of tramway in Athens

because of the sacking of two workers



We got information that the company TRAM A.E. who is driving the tramway in Athens sacked two workers for some weeks ago.


SEKO Klubb 119, the union which organises the drivers and the conductors in the Metro, tramway and the local trains in Stockholm, express solidarity to the two workers on the tramway in Athens and their union who is struggling for them, to get their job back.


All our members are demanding that the two tramway workers must get back their job.


We hope that soon, we are going to hear some good news.



Your struggle is also our struggle. 



For SEKO Klubb 119



Ioannis Konstantis


